
Advertising On Boston Radio in 2022: Five Things to Know

Jul 19, 2022 2:07:55 PM / by Larry Julius

Local business owners have depended on Boston radio to market their goods and services since WBZ, the city's first radio station, went on air in 1921. Despite the advent of new media and technologies since then, advertising on local radio stations is still the best way for the area's 205,625 small business owners to create and maintain customers.

Here are five facts every business owner should know about advertising on Boston radio in 2022.

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Topics boston radio, best way to advertise, radio advertising, small business owner, small business marketing, small business, advertise on radio, small business advertising, radio commercials, radio listening, radio history, advertising on radio, advertise on boston radio, radio formats, car radio, who listens to radio, AM/FM Radio, online radio listening

Advertise On Boston Radio? 5 Things Business Owners Get Wrong

Dec 30, 2021 1:20:31 PM / by Larry Julius

To ensure success, every Boston business owner needs to advertise.

"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”

The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”

There are dozens of ways for local small business owners to advertise. By most metrics, the best way to advertise is on Boston radio. These measures of effectiveness, however, are often obscured by the glimmer and glitz of newer technologies. 

To help reduce the glare that often blinds business owners to the potency of advertising on Boston radio, here are the top five things many local business owners get wrong.

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Boston Radio Still Reaches More Local Consumers Than All Other Media

Dec 10, 2021 2:22:36 PM / by Larry Julius

When WBZ-AM became Boston's first radio station in 1922, there was no Facebook, no Xfinity, no Sirius/XM, no Netflix, and no podcasts. It would be 26 years before there was even a local TV station.  Consequently, it was pretty easy for radio to become the number one reach medium among local consumers.

Over the past 99 years, Boston business owners have come to depend on the mammoth reach of radio among local shoppers to successfully market the goods and services they sell. Advertising on Boston radio has helped New England companies to survive and thrive during world wars, natural disasters, recessions, depressions, and even a pandemic.

Heading into 2022, local consumers have more media choices than ever before. But, despite the overabundance of social media, video streaming, audio streaming, cable, and other technological marvels, Boston radio is still the most used advertising medium.

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Topics boston radio, reach, radio advertising, advertising reach, pandora, spotify, advertise on radio, streaming audio, sirius/xm, podcasts, advertising on radio, advertising options, podcasting

Advertise In Boston: Top 5 Articles From 2021

Nov 29, 2021 9:55:37 AM / by Larry Julius

Based on projections from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Boston consumers are on track to spend $72-billion with retailers by the end of this year. This would be 13.5% higher than was spent in 2020.

To earn a significant share of these retail dollars, Boston area business owners are expected to spend $3.2 billion to advertise by year's end, according to Borrell Associates. This company tracks advertising expenditures in local markets across the U.S.

To ensure they are spending their advertising and marketing dollars wisely, many Boston business owners research how to best target prospective customers by using local media. An exceptional resource for local business owners to investigate the media habits of localconsumers is on the advice section of  

Here are the top five most-read articles on the site in 2021:

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Who's Spending Now? Boston Small Business Owners Ask.

Dec 4, 2020 3:18:49 PM / by Larry Julius

There are 1.8 million adults in the Boston area who have earned a four-year college or postgraduate degree, according to research from Nielsen. A study from the Federal Reserve indicates that these educated consumers have been least affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic and they have money to spend now.

"While the labor market disruptions have affected workers in a wide set of industries and occupations, those without a college degree have experienced the most severe impact," say Mary C. Daly, Shelby R. Buckman, and Lily M. Seitelman authors of The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 in the Economic Letter published by the Federal Reserve of San Francisco.

Although the unemployment rate increased among consumers of every education level in late March when the Governor of Massachusetts lockdown the state to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, the smallest increase was among those with bachelor or postgraduate degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Seven months later, job recovery among those with college degrees is closer to pre-pandemic levels than consumers with lower levels of educational attainment.

Many small business owners have seen the correlation between advertising and survival during the economic crisis inflicted by the pandemic.  With precious few dollars to invest, it is crucial that every advertisement reaches consumers who have disposable income to buy. Right now, the most likely spenders are customers with college degrees.

By key advertising metrics, the best way to reach consumers with higher education is on Boston radio.

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Topics boston radio, best way to advertise, radio advertising, small business owner, small business marketing, small business, college graduate, advertise on radio, small business advertising, radio commercials, radio listening, advertising on radio, advertise on boston radio, education

Now Open: Political Advertising Window on Boston Radio

Sep 8, 2020 10:11:55 AM / by Larry Julius

On September 4, the political advertising window opened on Boston television and radio stations.  This is a 60 day period leading up to a general election when broadcast stations licensed by the Federal Communication Commission are obligated to offer candidates for national office the opportunity to buy commercials at the lowest unit rate (LUR).

For example, if a high-frequency advertiser like McDonald's earns the lowest rates on a particular Boston radio station during morning drive-time, then any candidate for federal office must, during the 60-day political window, be offered the same rate for morning drive time on that station, regardless of frequency.

If, however, the McDonald's rate is contingent on the radio station's ability to pre-empt commercials without notice, then qualified candidates must agree to identical terms to receive the same rate.

To facilitate the purchase of commercials on Boston radio, stations will supply candidates with a political rate-card.  This card will show the LUR by time of day and by preemption parameters.

Here are other important facts about political advertising on Boston radio.

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Topics radio advertising, political advertising, issue advertising, political rates, advertising on radio, lowest unit rate, LUR

Advertising in Boston: The Radio Century

Aug 20, 2020 7:02:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Boston radio reaches more area adults every week than any other medium. During a typical seven-day period, according to Nielsen, 3.5 million local consumers tune-in to their favorite AM and FM stations. This is significantly more than those who watch broadcast television, subscribe to pay-TV, browse social media, read a newspaper, or stream music from Pandora and Spotify.

Radio's omnipresence in the life of Boston consumers is remarkable considering today is the medium's 100th birthday.

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Topics best way to advertise, reach, radio advertising, roi, advertise on radio, return on investment, radio commercials, radio history, advertising on radio

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