
Advertise In Boston: Top 5 Articles From 2021

Nov 29, 2021 9:55:37 AM / by Larry Julius

Based on projections from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Boston consumers are on track to spend $72-billion with retailers by the end of this year. This would be 13.5% higher than was spent in 2020.

To earn a significant share of these retail dollars, Boston area business owners are expected to spend $3.2 billion to advertise by year's end, according to Borrell Associates. This company tracks advertising expenditures in local markets across the U.S.

To ensure they are spending their advertising and marketing dollars wisely, many Boston business owners research how to best target prospective customers by using local media. An exceptional resource for local business owners to investigate the media habits of localconsumers is on the advice section of  

Here are the top five most-read articles on the site in 2021:

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Topics radio advertising, advertising reach, advertise to women, online advertising, social media advertising, television advertising, how to advertise, advertise in new england, effective advertising, digital advertising, advertise on radio, small business advertising, recruitment advertising, advertising on a budget, advertising on radio, advertise on boston radio, advertising options, business-to-business advertising, internet advertising, advertising roi

B2B Advertising: Why Online Job Sites Depend On Boston Radio

Sep 1, 2021 4:06:03 PM / by Larry Julius

If you were one of the 3.2 million adults who tuned in to Boston radio last week, then chances are excellent that you heard advertising for ZipRecruiter.  That's because the company purchased 1153 advertisements to air on local stations during the month of August, according to Media Monitors.

ZipRecruiter is an online recruitment site that helps companies of every size advertise open jobs. Overall, more than 2.8 million companies have posted an opening on

It is no wonder that ZipRecruiter and its competitors like Indeed have been making significant advertising investments on Boston radio. Finding qualified workers is one of the toughest challenges facing local business owners. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of job openings in the U.S. has reached a record high 10.1-million jobs with just not enough candidates to fill them.

If you've heard these commercials on Boston radio, then you know that ZipRecruiter is not advertising to attract job seekers to its website.  Rather, the company's goal is to convince local business owners to buy help wanted ads from them.

So, why has ZipRecruiter chosen Boston radio as a business-to-business (B2B) advertising resource?  The first reason is revealed in the first line of their commercial.

"According to research," says the announcer, "82% of people remember radio ads."

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Topics radio advertising, B2B advertising, small business advertising, recruitment advertising, Zip Recruiter, Indeed, business-to-business advertising

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