
Boston Back To School Shopping To Top $664.6M in 2023

Jul 15, 2023 10:53:27 AM / by Larry Julius

“Back-to-class shopping is one of the most important consumer shopping occasions of the year," says Matthew Shay, President and CEO of the National Retail Federation (NRF).  "Our research for 2023 shows American consumers are eager to jumpstart their back-to-school and college purchases early."

Based on per capita spending estimates from the NRF, Boston area parents are expected to spend a record $664,652,072 to prepare more than 677,200 children returning to grades K-12. These expenditures will exceed 2022 back-to-school sales by 12.5%

Expenditures to equip K-12 students in the Boston area will be on:

  • Clothing: $234.4 million
  • Shoes: $192.2 million
  • Supplies: $124.9 million
  • Electronics: $104.1 million

In addition to expenditures for K-12,  $ 1.5 billion is expected to be spent in the Boston area to prepare college students for their return to campus. This is 27% more than was spent last year. Another record.

The biggest spending categories to equip Boston area college students in 2023 will include:

  • Electronics: $371.6 million
  • Dorm/Apartment Furniture: $209.8 million
  • Clothing: $200.2 million
  • Food Items: $166.5 million

In order to capture the largest portion of this record back-to-class cash, Boston small business owners will need to fight to keep these dollars local. According to the NRF, a painful majority of shoppers plan to buy online and in department stores.  While only 13-15% of consumers plan to buy locally.

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Small Business Advice: 5 Facts About Advertising On Boston Radio

Dec 17, 2020 7:20:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Local radio came to Boston on September 19, 1921, when WBZ signed-on. The station was owned by Westinghouse Electric. The debut broadcast was from the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, perhaps the first-ever radio-remote.

For almost 100 years, small business owners have depended on local radio stations to successfully market their goods and services through depressions, recessions, wars, and natural disasters. Even now, during a pandemic, advertising on Boston radio remains a dependable way to make cash registers ring.

Here are five facts every Boston Small business owner needs to know about local radio in 2020.

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Who's Spending Now? Boston Small Business Owners Ask.

Dec 4, 2020 3:18:49 PM / by Larry Julius

There are 1.8 million adults in the Boston area who have earned a four-year college or postgraduate degree, according to research from Nielsen. A study from the Federal Reserve indicates that these educated consumers have been least affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic and they have money to spend now.

"While the labor market disruptions have affected workers in a wide set of industries and occupations, those without a college degree have experienced the most severe impact," say Mary C. Daly, Shelby R. Buckman, and Lily M. Seitelman authors of The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 in the Economic Letter published by the Federal Reserve of San Francisco.

Although the unemployment rate increased among consumers of every education level in late March when the Governor of Massachusetts lockdown the state to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, the smallest increase was among those with bachelor or postgraduate degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Seven months later, job recovery among those with college degrees is closer to pre-pandemic levels than consumers with lower levels of educational attainment.

Many small business owners have seen the correlation between advertising and survival during the economic crisis inflicted by the pandemic.  With precious few dollars to invest, it is crucial that every advertisement reaches consumers who have disposable income to buy. Right now, the most likely spenders are customers with college degrees.

By key advertising metrics, the best way to reach consumers with higher education is on Boston radio.

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