
Television Advertising In Boston: What Are Consumers Watching?

May 11, 2022 1:20:37 PM / by Larry Julius

Every week, 3.8 million Boston consumers watch something on TV.

Not too many years ago, when a Boston consumer sat down to watch TV, the program options were limited to what was on WCVB, WHDH, WBZ, WCVB, WGBH, WFXT, or, maybe, what was on a handful of cable channels.  That was then. This is now.

Today, according to Nielsen, each time a TV is turned on in a Boston living room, the viewer has more than 817,000 options not only from broadcast stations and cable systems, but also from streaming video platforms like Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, Peacock, YouTube, Amazon, Tubi, Crackle, and FreeVee.

Of course, Boston consumers don't even need to sit down in front of their big-screen LCD, anymore. Most of the 817,000 available programs can also be viewed on their computers, tablets, gaming devices, and smartphones. But as far as viewers are concerned, though, it's all just television.

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Topics television advertising, television, PAY-TV, DirecTV, Cable TV, ctv, streaming video, SVOD, AVOD, local television, Streaming TV, streaming media

Boston Radio Listeners Lead The Return To 'Normal'

Apr 28, 2022 9:36:44 AM / by Larry Julius

Each week according to Nielsen, 3.3 million consumers tune in to a Boston radio station. This is significantly more adults than watch local TV stations, cable, or streaming video. It is more than browse social media. It is more than listen to streaming audio services or podcasts. It is more than read local newspapers.

There are two traits Boston radio listeners have in common. First, they are very loyal to their favorites, tuning-in to, on average, only 2.7 different stations each week.

Second, and of particular importance to Boston small business owners, radio listeners are returning to 'normal' at a faster rate than the general population after more than two years of pandemic.

Since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, Nielsen has been measuring consumer sentiment in regard to normal behaviors. In a survey conducted in March of this year, 83% of adults say they are "ready to go and feel life is becoming more normal". This is up dramatically from the same time last year.

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Topics retail, best way to advertise, radio advertising, consumer spending, small business owner, small business marketing, small business, small business advertising, retail sales, retailer, retail store, consumer confidence, retail spending

Advertise In Boston: How To Book Guests For A Podcast

Apr 26, 2022 1:16:05 PM / by Jason Muth

According to Nielsen, 96.3% of Boston adults have access to the internet. An online connection is all that is needed to listen to a podcast. In all 34.3% of consumers, in fact, do listen to podcasts every month. They listen while at home, commuting, at the gym, at work, at the local coffee shop, pretty much anywhere there is WIFI or good cell service.

Most likely, at one time or another, each of the 1.4 million podcast listeners in the Boston area has thought to themselves, “I could do that. I could launch my own podcast.” This is theoretically true.

A quick Google search by aspiring Boston content producers will reveal which recording equipment to buy, how to edit shows, and how to post episodes for the world to hear on platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify Google, Stitcher, and Tune-In. The magic of being a successful podcaster, however, involves persistence, longevity, and consistently engaging content.

One element of podcasting that often adds dimension and perspective to new episodes is the use of podcast guests. Not only do guest experts supply engaging content, but usually they will participate in return for exposure without the need to shell out any cash.

But how does a Boston business small owner get started? It’s a very chicken-and-egg situation.

A podcaster first needs to publish episodes to demonstrate to potential guests that the podcast is worthy of their participation, especially because there are so many choices. Currently, there are over 2.4 million valid podcasts in Apple’s Podcast directory alone, according to podcast industry insights expert Daniel J. Lewis.

So, what separates podcasters who stick it out for the long haul from those who give up after just a few episodes?  One of the primary factors is the subject matter and the ability to book guests.

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Topics small business owner, small business marketing, small business, small business advertising, podcasts, podcasting

Mother's Day Spending In Boston Will Top $502 Million In 2022

Apr 21, 2022 5:17:36 PM / by Larry Julius

Eighty-four percent of all adults say they will celebrate Mother's Day in 2022. Based on per capita forecasts from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Boston consumers are expected to spend $502.6 million on the moms in their lives. This is a 13% increase over last year.

“Consumers are eager to find memorable ways to honor their mothers and other important women in their lives and are willing to spend a little extra on this sentimental holiday,” said NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay.

The NRF spending projections indicate that Boston consumers will spend $110.6 million on jewelry and another $83.7 million on special outings such as dinner or brunch. This will be the highest level of Mother's Day spending ever in these categories.

Here is how this large pool of Mother's Day cash in Boston is expected to be distributed by all retail categories.

The NRF research indicates that men will outspend women 3-to-1 this year on Mother's Day gifts. Most of these dollars will go towards presents for their moms, stepmoms, and wives.

Of all the money spent, Boston consumers are expected to spend 36% online, 30% at department stores, 27% at specialty stores, and 23% at local small businesses.

To compete for a share of record-high Mother's Day spending this year, local business owners will need to advertise. By most key marketing metrics, the best way to reach holiday shoppers is by advertising on Boston radio.

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Topics retail, best way to advertise, reach, radio advertising, roi, holiday shopping, return on investment, mother's day, retail sales, retailer, retail store, holiday advertising, retail spending, advertising roi

Advertising ROI: Boston Radio Best Choice For Retailers

Apr 14, 2022 10:14:08 AM / by Larry Julius

Boston area consumers are expected to spend close to $79.8 billion at retail in 2022, based on per capita spending estimates from the National Retail Federation (NRF). This would be an eight percent increase versus 2021.

To capture significant shares of the increased retail spending, the 205,625 small business owners in the Boston area would typically invest in advertising. Persistent and pernicious inflation pressures, however, are starting to gnaw away at marketing budgets.

According to the National Federation of Independent Business Owners (NFIB), businesses cite inflation as their number one problem. For many Boston business owners, uncontrollable wholesale, transportation, and labor costs are forcing retailers to raise the prices they charge their customers. But, for many retail products, inflated retail prices can drive customers away. 

To limit consumer price increases and still make a profit, Boston business owners, then, are forced to cut expenses, including advertising and marketing. This means it is now imperative that the limited investments retailers can make in advertising must deliver the strongest returns possible. 

According to a recent study by Nielsen, advertising on Boston radio can provide the best return on investment (ROI) for local retailers.

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Topics retail, reach, advertising reach, roi, return on investment, reach & frequency, retail sales, retailer, retail store, retail spending, advertising roi

Social Media Advertising In Boston: Should A Business Pay?

Apr 12, 2022 11:12:16 AM / by Ali Ahmed

According to Nielsen, 3.4 million adult consumers in Boston use social media every month, an audience that continues to expand. As a result of this growth, social media has become a crucial part of local advertising campaigns.

Social media allows Boston business owners to continually be in front of their target customers and to stay top-of-mind. It allows businesses to communicate daily and be the first company on call when needed. Social media has become essential for marketing local goods and services.

The best part is that social media is free to use for both Boston consumers and business owners.

There is no subscription service for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram which, according to Nielsen, are used by 77.4% of Boston consumers each month. There are no monthly payments or premium memberships required to unlock more services.

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Topics small business owner, small business marketing, social media advertising, small business, facebook advertising, instagram advertising, small business advertising, facebook, twitter, social media

Advertise In Boston: Retail Spending To Top $78 Billion in 2022

Mar 21, 2022 2:44:04 PM / by Larry Julius

There are 205,625 small business owners in the Boston area, according to the US Census Bureau. Each of these companies will need larger advertising budgets to successfully compete for a fair share of the expected explosion in consumer spending this year.

Based on new forecasts from The National Retail Federation (NRF), Boston area consumers are expected to spend between $78.9 and $79.8 billion at retail in 2022, a six to eight percent growth over the previous year.

The NRF's forecasts exclude restaurants, gas stations, and automotive dealers. Included in the numbers, though, are non-store and online sales, which, in Boston, could reach as high as $18.8 billion this year. This level of spending would be 13% more than in 2021.

Even though the rate of growth rate for 2022 is lower than the 14% jump in 2021, the NRF points out that this year's spending will be well ahead of the 10-year,  pre-pandemic growth rate of 3.7%

To participate in the expected surge in retail spending will require Boston business owners to advertise. Especially if retailers want to hold their own against the continued growth of non-store and online competition.

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Topics retail, best way to advertise, reach, radio advertising, advertising reach, roi, small business owner, small business marketing, small business, small business advertising, return on investment, retail sales, retailer, retail store, retail spending, advertising roi

Advertise On Boston Radio: AM/FM Still Top Choice In Cars

Mar 17, 2022 9:20:22 AM / by Larry Julius

There are about 3,000,000 registered passenger vehicles in the Boston area. Some are cars. Some are trucks. Some are Hondas. Some are Fords. Some are Teslas. Some have four doors. Some have two. Some go fast. Some go slow. Some guzzle gas. Some sip. Some are red. Some are blue.

The one thing that almost every car and truck in the Boston area have in common, though, is the AM/FM radio smack-dab in the middle of the dashboard.

The first car radio went on sale in 1930. It was an invention of the Galvin Manufacturing Company. The company named the radio 'Motorola,' and its cost was $130, around $2000 in today's dollars. By 1935, more than three million car radios had been installed.

Today, AM/FM radio is part of every car and truck on Boston area roads. In addition to the radio, many of these vehicles also provide drivers with other audio options, including a CD player, Sirius/XM, Pandora, Spotify, podcasts, and easy access to personal MP3 collections.

It is fair, then, for small business owners who depend on Boston radio to advertise their goods and services to ask: with all the audio options on today's dashboards, is anyone listening to local AM/FM radio in the car anymore?

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Topics best way to advertise, radio advertising, pandora, spotify, streaming audio, automotive, in-car audio, sirius/xm, podcasts, share of ear, podcasting, car radio

How To Create A Podcast For A Boston Small Business

Mar 11, 2022 2:29:55 PM / by Jason Muth

If you're anything like the 1.3 million Boston consumers who, according to Nielsen, listen to or download a podcast every month, you probably already see the value in podcasting as a relatively new audio medium that entertains, enlightens, motivates, or informs listeners.

But if you're part of the 67% of local adults who are not regular podcast listeners, you're probably wondering why on earth would anyone want to listen to a podcast, let alone create one for their Boston business.

Launching a podcast might seem like a daunting test for small business owners without much technical background or an understanding of how to structure a compelling conversation that will engage prospective customers.

In reality, local small business owners can easily reach new customers with podcasts and complement their traditional advertising in Boston with a longer-form, conversational medium that showcases the company's knowledge in an authoritative manner.

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Topics best way to advertise, small business owner, small business marketing, online advertising, small business, digital advertising, small business advertising, podcasts, internet, internet advertising, podcasting

Best Way To Fill Construction Job Openings In Boston

Mar 1, 2022 9:25:28 AM / by Larry Julius

Construction companies in the Boston area will need to recruit 10,306 blue-collar workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2022 to meet the demands of the current building market. These statistics are based on forecasts from Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. (ABC), an association comprised primarily of U.S. firms that work in industrial and commercial construction sectors.

"The construction industry desperately needs qualified, skilled craft professionals to build America," said Michael Bellaman, ABC president and CEO. "The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act passed in November and stimulus from COVID-19 relief will pump billions in new spending into our nation's most critical infrastructure, and qualified craft professionals are essential to efficiently modernize roads, bridges, energy production, and other projects across the country. More regulations and less worker freedom make it harder to fill these jobs."

The construction industry's appetite for new hires in the Boston area will continue into 2023, according to ABC. It is expected that during that year,  an additional 9,355 blue-collar workers in addition to the normal pace of hiring.

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Topics best way to advertise, radio advertising, job boards, recruitment advertising, employment advertising, help wanted, passive job seekers, Zip Recruiter, blue collar, Indeed,, hire qualified candidates, construction workers

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