
Social Media Advertising In Boston: Should A Business Pay?

Apr 12, 2022 11:12:16 AM / by Ali Ahmed

According to Nielsen, 3.4 million adult consumers in Boston use social media every month, an audience that continues to expand. As a result of this growth, social media has become a crucial part of local advertising campaigns.

Social media allows Boston business owners to continually be in front of their target customers and to stay top-of-mind. It allows businesses to communicate daily and be the first company on call when needed. Social media has become essential for marketing local goods and services.

The best part is that social media is free to use for both Boston consumers and business owners.

There is no subscription service for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram which, according to Nielsen, are used by 77.4% of Boston consumers each month. There are no monthly payments or premium memberships required to unlock more services.

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Topics small business owner, small business marketing, social media advertising, small business, facebook advertising, instagram advertising, small business advertising, facebook, twitter, social media

Does The Facebook Name Change Affect Boston Advertisers?

Oct 29, 2021 11:37:38 AM / by Larry Julius

Every month, 4.5 million adults in Boston use social media, according to Nielsen. Eighty percent of these consumers use Facebook, far more than other sites like Instagram (also owned by Facebook), Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.

As a stand-alone medium, Facebook is used by more people in Boston than watch local TV stations. Only Boston radio and local cable reach more consumers.

The large audience commanded by social media has attracted a significant amount of advertising dollars from local advertisers. According to Borrell Associates, a company that measures advertising expenditures across the county, Boston area businesses are expected to spend $622 million on social media advertising, a 24.5% increase over 2022. The overwhelming majority of these dollars are being spent with Facebook.

Yesterday, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the company was changing its name to "Meta".  This change, though, only affects the name of the parent company. There will be no change to the company's brands like Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp.

How will this name change affect Boston businesses that advertise on Facebook?

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Topics boston radio, social media advertising, facebook advertising, instagram advertising, facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, meta, metaverse

Is Twitter Advertising Right For Boston Small Business Owners?

Jan 11, 2021 12:09:58 PM / by Larry Julius

How important is Twitter to Boston area consumers? Yesterday, for instance, the social media platform was mentioned in at least ten articles published by the Boston Globe yesterday.  Almost every local TV newscast included references to the site as well.

Twitter's outsized presence in the news, however, is enormously disproportional to the importance of the micro-blogging app in the life of Boston's consumers.

According to Nielsen, only about 17% of adults in Boston use Twitter during the course of a month. This is minuscule compared to other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

Twitter offers 20 different options that Boston small business owners can utilize to market their goods and services to local consumers.  The platform's minimal reach, however, can hamper the success of any advertising campaign.

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Topics best way to advertise, radio advertising, small business owner, small business marketing, social media advertising, small business, facebook advertising, instagram advertising, small business advertising, facebook, twitter

How Well Does Social Media Work For Boston Retailers?

Mar 13, 2020 12:29:04 PM / by Larry Julius

New England retailers spend a considerable amount of time and money marketing their small businesses on social media.  Is this effort paying off?

Each month, according to Nielsen, 2.8 million Boston area adults use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This equates to 71.2% of consumers.  This reach is rather anemic compared to Boston radio and TV, which attracts considerably more users in a single week than these social media platforms do over 30 days.

Among local millennials, the monthly reach of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is eclipsed by the weekly reach of Boston radio.

The number of consumers reached by an advertising campaign, according to Nielsen, is the media consideration that has the most significant effect on increasing sales. 

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Topics retail, best way to advertise, reach, small business owner, social media advertising, small business, facebook advertising, instagram advertising, retailer, retail store, facebook, twitter, engagement

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