
How Advertising On Boston TV Stacks Up Against Local Radio

Nov 29, 2019 12:19:07 PM / by Larry Julius

For many generations of marketers, advertising on Boston television was considered the "gold standard". For a New England small business owner who craved massive reach, TV used to be the medium that could deliver.

Over the past few years, however, viewers have been abandoning local TV stations in vast numbers. This has propelled Boston radio into being the most potent reach medium among local consumers.

Every week, 3,552,145 adult consumers tune-in to their favorite Boston radio stations. This is significantly more than the 3,226,135 reached by local television.

For the past 39 years, Boston radio has reached almost 90% of all consumers. But, look what has happened to TV's audience.

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Do Millennials Listen To Boston Radio?

Nov 8, 2019 2:08:05 PM / by Larry Julius

It's time to set some misguided New England small business owners straight: When we say everybody listens to Boston radio stations, we mean everybody.  Generations X, Y, and Z. Also, Boomers, and, yes, the millennial generation.

You know...millennials. Those are the "kids" who came of age at the turn of the millennium (which is, debatably, either 2000 or 2001).  This means 18-34 year olds. 

In the greater Boston area, 1.2 million millennials make-up 30% of the adult population and will deliver $30.2 billion to local cash registers.

But here's the thing about millennials that many New England small business owners get wrong: millennials listen to the radio.  Almost all of them. 89.4% of them, to be exact.

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Topics boston radio, best way to advertise, consumer spending, millennials, social media advertising, television advertising, advertise in boston, how to advertise, advertise in new england

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